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Top 20 Selenium WebDriver Commands

Top 20 Selenium WebDriver Commands a list of the top 20 Selenium WebDriver commands, along with their brief description and syntax.

 I. Introduction
Top 20 Selenium WebDriver Commands

Selenium WebDriver is a popular tool used by software testers and developers for automated testing of web applications. It is a powerful framework that allows users to interact with web pages and perform various tasks, such as clicking buttons, filling out forms, and verifying page content.

According to a survey conducted by Sauce Labs, Selenium is the most widely used test automation tool, with 66% of respondents stating that they use it for web testing. This highlights the importance and relevance of Selenium WebDriver in the testing community.

To effectively use Selenium WebDriver, it is essential to have a good understanding of the various commands and methods available. In this blog, we will explore the top 20 Selenium WebDriver commands that every software tester and developer should know. These commands will help you write effective and efficient automated tests and improve the quality of your web applications.

  • Briefly introduce Selenium WebDriver and its importance in web automation testing

Selenium WebDriver is a widely used open-source tool for automating web applications testing. It is a powerful framework that allows users to interact with web pages and perform various tasks, such as clicking buttons, filling out forms, and verifying page content.

With Selenium WebDriver, software testers and developers can automate repetitive and time-consuming manual testing tasks, reducing the testing cycle time and improving the accuracy and reliability of their test results. This makes it an essential tool for web application development, as it enables faster delivery of high-quality web applications.

Moreover, Selenium WebDriver supports various programming languages, including Java, Python, Ruby, C#, and JavaScript, making it accessible to developers with different backgrounds and skillsets. This flexibility allows users to leverage their existing programming knowledge and build robust and scalable test suites to meet their specific testing needs.

In summary, Selenium WebDriver plays a critical role in web automation testing, enabling users to build and execute reliable and efficient automated tests that ensure the quality and reliability of web applications.

  • State the purpose of the blog post

The purpose of this blog post is to provide a comprehensive list of the top 20 Selenium WebDriver commands, along with their brief description and syntax. This post aims to help both beginners and experienced web automation testers to improve their Selenium WebDriver skills by highlighting the most useful commands for web automation testing.

II. Top 20 Selenium WebDriver Commands

Top 20 Selenium WebDriver Commands:

  • Provide a list of the top 20 Selenium WebDriver commands, along with their brief description and syntax.

  1. get() - Opens a URL in the current browser window. Syntax: driver.get("")

  2. find_element_by_id() - Returns the first matching element on the page with the specified id attribute. Syntax: element = driver.find_element_by_id("element-id")

  3. find_element_by_name() - Returns the first matching element on the page with the specified name attribute. Syntax: element = driver.find_element_by_name("element-name")

  4. find_element_by_xpath() - Returns the first matching element on the page using an XPath expression. Syntax: element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//xpath-expression")

  5. find_element_by_css_selector() - Returns the first matching element on the page using a CSS selector. Syntax: element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("css-selector")

  6. find_element_by_link_text() - Returns the first matching link on the page with the specified text. Syntax: element = driver.find_element_by_link_text("link-text")

  7. find_element_by_partial_link_text() - Returns the first matching link on the page with the specified partial text. Syntax: element = driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text("partial-link-text")

  8. find_element_by_tag_name() - Returns the first matching element on the page with the specified tag name. Syntax: element = driver.find_element_by_tag_name("tag-name")

  9. find_element_by_class_name() - Returns the first matching element on the page with the specified class name. Syntax: element = driver.find_element_by_class_name("class-name")

  10. find_element_by_css_selector() - Returns the first matching element on the page using a CSS selector. Syntax: element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("css-selector")

  11. send_keys() - Types the specified text into the currently active element. Syntax: element.send_keys("text-to-type")

  12. click() - Clicks the currently active element. Syntax:

  13. clear() - Clears the text from the currently active element. Syntax: element.clear()

  14. submit() - Submits a form element. Syntax: element.submit()

  15. get_attribute() - Returns the value of the specified attribute for the currently active element. Syntax: element.get_attribute("attribute-name")

  16. is_displayed() - Returns a boolean indicating whether the currently active element is displayed on the page. Syntax: element.is_displayed()

  17. is_enabled() - Returns a boolean indicating whether the currently active element is enabled. Syntax: element.is_enabled()

  18. is_selected() - Returns a boolean indicating whether the currently active element is selected. Syntax: element.is_selected()

  19. get_cookies() - Returns a list of dictionaries, each containing the name and value of a cookie set by the current domain. Syntax: cookies = driver.get_cookies()

  20. quit() - Closes the current browser window and ends the WebDriver session. Syntax: driver.quit()

III. Navigating Web Pages

  • Briefly describe the importance of web page navigation in web automation testing

Web page navigation is a crucial aspect of web automation testing as it is essential to verify the functionality of web pages and to ensure that the user can navigate through them correctly. By automating web page navigation, testers can reduce the manual effort required to perform repetitive tasks, improve the speed and accuracy of testing, and achieve more comprehensive test coverage.

Web page navigation includes actions such as clicking links and buttons, navigating back and forth between pages, refreshing pages, and handling alerts and pop-ups. Proper automation of these actions can help testers uncover bugs and issues that might not be discovered through manual testing alone, thereby improving the overall quality of the software being developed.

  • Provide examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for web page navigation, such as:

  • driver.get(url)
  • driver.back()
  • driver.forward()
  • driver.refresh()

Sure, here are some examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for web page navigation:

  1. driver.get(url) - This command loads a new web page in the current browser window. The url parameter specifies the URL of the web page to be loaded.

  2. driver.back() - This command navigates the browser back to the previous web page in the browsing history.

  3. driver.forward() - This command navigates the browser forward to the next web page in the browsing history, if there is one.

  4. driver.refresh() - This command refreshes the current web page by reloading it from the server.

  5. driver.navigate().to(url) - This command is equivalent to driver.get(url). It loads a new web page in the current browser window, but can also be used to navigate to a different URL after the initial page has been loaded.

  6. driver.navigate().back() - This command is equivalent to driver.back(). It navigates the browser back to the previous web page in the browsing history.

  7. driver.navigate().forward() - This command is equivalent to driver.forward(). It navigates the browser forward to the next web page in the browsing history, if there is one.

  8. driver.navigate().refresh() - This command is equivalent to driver.refresh(). It refreshes the current web page by reloading it from the server.

  9. driver.switch_to.window(window_name) - This command switches the focus of the driver to a different browser window or tab. The window_name parameter specifies the name or handle of the window to switch to.

  10. driver.switch_to.alert() - This command switches the focus of the driver to an alert dialog box, if one is present on the current web page.

These are just a few examples of the many Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for web page navigation.

  • Include code snippets and screenshots to illustrate the usage of each command.

Sure, here are some code snippets to illustrate the usage of each Selenium WebDriver command mentioned earlier:

  1. Code snippets:


    from selenium import webdriver # Initialize Chrome web driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Load a web page driver.get("")


    from selenium import webdriver # Initialize Chrome web driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Go back to previous web page driver.back()


    from selenium import webdriver # Initialize Chrome web driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Go forward to the next web page in browsing history driver.forward()


    from selenium import webdriver # Initialize Chrome web driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Refresh the current web page driver.refresh()


    from selenium import webdriver # Initialize Chrome web driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Load a web page driver.get("") # Navigate to a different URL driver.navigate().to("")


    from selenium import webdriver # Initialize Chrome web driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Go back to previous web page driver.navigate().back()


    from selenium import webdriver # Initialize Chrome web driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Go forward to the next web page in browsing history driver.navigate().forward()


    from selenium import webdriver # Initialize Chrome web driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Refresh the current web page driver.navigate().refresh()


    from selenium import webdriver # Initialize Chrome web driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Switch to a different browser window or tab driver.switch_to.window("window_name")


    from selenium import webdriver # Initialize Chrome web driver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Switch to an alert dialog box alert = driver.switch_to.alert()

IV. Locating Web Elements

  • Briefly describe the importance of locating web elements in web automation testing

In web automation testing, locating web elements accurately is of utmost importance. Web elements are the building blocks of any web page and can be anything from a simple text field to a complex dropdown menu. The automation tests interact with these elements to mimic user behavior on the web page. Accurate identification of these elements is critical to ensure the correct functioning of the web application.

Selenium WebDriver provides several methods to locate web elements on a web page. The location can be done using a range of attributes like ID, name, class, CSS selector, and XPath. Once the element is located, the WebDriver can perform various actions like clicking, typing, or selecting from a dropdown. Proper element location and interaction ensure the test cases run smoothly and produce reliable results.

  • Provide examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for locating web elements, such as:

    • driver.find_element_by_id(id)
    • driver.find_element_by_name(name)
    • driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath)
    • driver.find_element_by_link_text(link_text)
    • driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text(partial_link_text)
    • driver.find_element_by_tag_name(tag_name)
    • driver.find_element_by_class_name(class_name)
    • driver.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector)

Sure, here are some examples of how each of these Selenium WebDriver commands can be used for locating web elements:

  1. driver.find_element_by_id(id): This command finds a web element by its ID attribute.

search_field = driver.find_element_by_id("search-field")

  1. driver.find_element_by_name(name): This command finds a web element by its name attribute.

email_field = driver.find_element_by_name("email")

  1. driver.find_element_by_xpath(xpath): This command finds a web element by its XPath expression.

submit_button = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[@type='submit']")

  1. driver.find_element_by_link_text(link_text): This command finds a web element by its exact link text.

about_us_link = driver.find_element_by_link_text("About Us")

  1. driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text(partial_link_text): This command finds a web element by its partial link text.

contact_us_link = driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text("Contact")

  1. driver.find_element_by_tag_name(tag_name): This command finds a web element by its tag name.

header_element = driver.find_element_by_tag_name("h1")

  1. driver.find_element_by_class_name(class_name): This command finds a web element by its class name.

error_message = driver.find_element_by_class_name("error")

  1. driver.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector): This command finds a web element by its CSS selector.

logo_image = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("div#header img.logo")

By using these commands to locate web elements, testers can perform various actions on the web page and verify that the application is functioning correctly.

  • Include code snippets  to illustrate the usage of each command.

Sure, here are code snippets to illustrate the usage of each command:

Note: All the code snippets assume that the driver object has already been instantiated with the appropriate WebDriver.

Here are code snippets to illustrate the usage of each command:


element = driver.find_element_by_id('element_id')


element = driver.find_element_by_name('element_name')


element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//input[@name="email"]')


element = driver.find_element_by_link_text('Link Text')


element = driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text('Partial Link Text')


element = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('input')


element = driver.find_element_by_class_name('class_name')


element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('input[name="email"]')

V. Interacting with Web Elements

  • Briefly describe the importance of interacting with web elements in web automation testing

Interacting with web elements is an important aspect of web automation testing because it allows testers to simulate user actions on web pages. By interacting with web elements such as buttons, links, forms, and input fields, testers can verify that the functionality of the web application is working as intended. For example, they can test whether a button click triggers the expected behavior or whether data entered into an input field is saved correctly. Without the ability to interact with web elements programmatically, it would be difficult to automate these tests and verify the behavior of the web application.

  • Provide examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for interacting with web elements, such as:

    • element.send_keys(text)
    • element.clear()

Sure! Here are some examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for interacting with web elements:

  • This command simulates a user clicking on an element on the web page. For example, if we have a button with an ID of "submit", we could use the following code to click on it:
from selenium import webdriver # instantiate the webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # navigate to the webpage driver.get('') # find the button element button = driver.find_element_by_id('submit') # click the button
  • element.send_keys(text): This command simulates a user typing text into an input field. For example, if we have a text input with an ID of "search", we could use the following code to enter the text "Selenium WebDriver" into it:
from selenium import webdriver # instantiate the webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # navigate to the webpage driver.get('') # find the input element input_field = driver.find_element_by_id('search') # enter text into the input field input_field.send_keys('Selenium WebDriver')
  • element.clear(): This command clears the text in an input field. For example, if we have a text input with an ID of "search", we could use the following code to clear its contents:
from selenium import webdriver # instantiate the webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # navigate to the webpage driver.get('') # find the input element input_field = driver.find_element_by_id('search') # clear the text in the input field input_field.clear()


These commands can be used to simulate user interactions with web elements, such as clicking a button, entering text into an input field, or clearing the contents of an input field. They are essential for web automation testing, as they allow testers to programmatically interact with web pages and test their functionality.

  • Include code snippets  to illustrate the usage of each command.

Certainly! Here are some examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for interacting with web elements:

Sure! Here are code snippets illustrating the usage of the following Selenium WebDriver commands:

  • This command simulates a user clicking on an element on the web page.
from selenium import webdriver # Instantiate the webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Navigate to the webpage driver.get('') # Find the element to click element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('a.btn') # Click the element
  • element.send_keys(text): This command simulates a user typing text into an input field.
from selenium import webdriver # Instantiate the webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Navigate to the webpage driver.get('') # Find the input field element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('input#username') # Type text into the input field element.send_keys('username')
  • element.clear(): This command clears the text in an input field.
from selenium import webdriver # Instantiate the webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Navigate to the webpage driver.get('') # Find the input field element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('input#username') # Clear the text in the input field element.clear()

Screenshots are not applicable for these commands as they perform actions on the web page, rather than displaying content.

VI. Switching between Windows and Frames

  • Briefly describe the importance of switching between windows and frames in web automation testing

In web automation testing, it is common for web pages to contain multiple windows or frames. As a result, it is necessary to switch between them to interact with different elements and perform various actions. Failing to switch between windows or frames correctly can lead to errors and incorrect test results. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how to switch between windows and frames in Selenium WebDriver.

  • Provide examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for switching between windows and frames, such as:

    • driver.switch_to.window(window_handle)
    • driver.switch_to.frame(frame_reference)
    • driver.switch_to.default_content()

Certainly, here are some examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for switching between windows and frames:

Switching to a new window:

# Get the current window handle main_window = driver.current_window_handle # Click on a link that opens a new window new_window_link = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[@target='_blank']") # Switch to the new window for window_handle in driver.window_handles: if window_handle != main_window: driver.switch_to.window(window_handle) break # Do something in the new window # ... # Close the new window and switch back to the main window driver.close() driver.switch_to.window(main_window)

Switching to a frame by index:

# Switch to the first iframe on the page driver.switch_to.frame(0) # Do something in the iframe # ... # Switch back to the main content driver.switch_to.default_content()

Switching to a frame by name or ID:

# Switch to the iframe with name or ID "my_frame" driver.switch_to.frame("my_frame") # Do something in the iframe # ... # Switch back to the main content driver.switch_to.default_content()

By using these commands, testers can easily switch between windows and frames and perform various actions on different parts of the web page.

  • Include code snippets to illustrate the usage of each command.

Here are some code snippets to illustrate the usage of the Selenium WebDriver commands for switching between windows and frames:

  1. driver.switch_to.window(window_handle)

This command is used to switch to a different window by its handle.


# Get the handle of the first window first_window = driver.window_handles[0] # Switch to the first window driver.switch_to.window(first_window)

  1. driver.switch_to.frame(frame_reference)

This command is used to switch to a different frame by its reference.


# Switch to a frame by its ID frame_id = "my_frame_id" driver.switch_to.frame(frame_id) # Switch back to the default content driver.switch_to.default_content()

  1. driver.switch_to.default_content()

This command is used to switch back to the default content, i.e., the main frame of the web page.


# Switch to a frame by its index
frame_index = 0

# Switch back to the default content

VII. Executing JavaScript

  • Briefly describe the importance of executing JavaScript in web automation testing

In web automation testing, executing JavaScript is important for a variety of reasons. First, many websites and web applications use JavaScript to add dynamic behavior and interactivity to their pages, such as changing the content of a page without reloading it, handling user input, or performing calculations. By executing JavaScript code using Selenium WebDriver, testers can interact with and manipulate these dynamic elements on the page.

Second, some web elements may not be easily accessible using the standard WebDriver commands for locating elements. In these cases, executing JavaScript can provide an alternative way to access and interact with these elements.

Finally, executing JavaScript can be useful for verifying the behavior of a web application in response to specific user interactions or input. For example, testers can simulate user interactions by executing JavaScript code to click a button or enter text into a form field, and then verify that the expected behavior occurs.

Overall, executing JavaScript is an important tool for web automation testers to have in their toolkit, and can help ensure that web applications are functioning as expected.

  • Provide examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for executing JavaScript, such as:

    • driver.execute_script(script, *args)

Certainly! Here is an example of a Selenium WebDriver command that can be used for executing JavaScript:

driver.execute_script("document.getElementById('elementID').setAttribute('attributeName', 'attributeValue');")

This command uses the execute_script method of the driver object to execute a JavaScript code snippet. In this example, the JavaScript code sets the value of an attribute of an HTML element with the specified ID.

The execute_script method takes two arguments:

  • script: the JavaScript code snippet to be executed
  • *args (optional): any additional arguments to be passed to the JavaScript code as variables

By executing JavaScript in this way, Selenium WebDriver allows testers to perform complex actions that may not be possible using only the standard WebDriver commands.

  • Include code snippets to illustrate the usage of the command.

Certainly! Here's an example of how to use driver.execute_script() to scroll to the bottom of a page:

from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Navigate to the page you want to scroll driver.get("") # Execute JavaScript to scroll to the bottom of the page driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")

In this example, the driver.execute_script() command is used to execute the JavaScript command window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);, which scrolls the page to the bottom. The *args parameter allows you to pass any additional arguments to the JavaScript function, if needed.

VIII. Taking Screenshots

  • Briefly describe the importance of taking screenshots in web automation testing

Taking screenshots in web automation testing is important for various reasons:

  1. Debugging: Screenshots can help in identifying the root cause of any issues or errors that occur during the test run. Developers can use these screenshots to analyze the errors and make necessary changes to the code.

  2. Test Reports: Screenshots can be included in the test reports to give a visual representation of the test results. This can help in understanding the test results better.

  3. Visualization: Screenshots can help in visualizing the user flow of the website or application. This can help in understanding the user experience and identifying any issues with the user interface.

  4. Record-keeping: Screenshots can serve as a record of the test results. These screenshots can be used as proof of the testing that was performed and can be referred to in case of any disputes.

  5. Documentation: Screenshots can be used for documentation purposes, such as creating user manuals or training material.

In summary, screenshots play a vital role in web automation testing, aiding in debugging, report generation, visualization, record-keeping, and documentation.

  • Provide examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for taking screenshots, such as:

    • driver.save_screenshot(file_name)

Sure, here are some examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for taking screenshots:

  1. Capture a full-page screenshot:
from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.get("") # Capture full-page screenshot driver.save_screenshot("screenshot.png") driver.quit()
  1. Capture a specific element screenshot:
from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.get("") # Find the element you want to capture element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='element-id']") # Capture element screenshot element.screenshot("element-screenshot.png") driver.quit()
  1. Capture a screenshot on test failure:
from selenium import webdriver import unittest class TestExample(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.driver = webdriver.Chrome() def test_example(self): self.driver.get("") try: self.assertEqual(self.driver.title, "Example Domain") except AssertionError: # Capture screenshot on test failure self.driver.save_screenshot("test-failure.png") raise AssertionError("Title mismatch") def tearDown(self): self.driver.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()

These are just a few examples of how you can use the save_screenshot() method in Selenium WebDriver.

  • Include code snippets and screenshots to illustrate the usage of the command.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use the save_screenshot() method to take a screenshot of a webpage and save it to a file:

from selenium import webdriver

# Create a new instance of the Firefox driver
driver = webdriver.Firefox()

# Navigate to a webpage

# Take a screenshot and save it to a file

# Close the browser

IX. Retrieving Information from Web Pages

  • Briefly describe the importance of retrieving information from web pages in web automation testing

Retrieving information from web pages is an essential aspect of web automation testing. It involves extracting data from web elements, such as text, attributes, and values, to validate their correctness or to use them as input for subsequent test steps. By retrieving information from web pages, automation testers can ensure that the application under test is functioning as intended and meets the desired requirements. This can help identify defects, inconsistencies, or unexpected behavior in the application, allowing for prompt debugging and corrective actions. Additionally, retrieving information from web pages can also be used to generate test reports or analytics, which can help stakeholders gain insights into the application's performance and user behavior.

  • Provide examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for retrieving information from web pages, such as:

    • driver.current_url
    • driver.title

There are several Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for retrieving information from web pages, such as:

  1. driver.current_url: This command is used to retrieve the URL of the current web page.


current_url = driver.current_url
  1. driver.title: This command is used to retrieve the title of the current web page.


title = driver.title
  1. element.text: This command is used to retrieve the text content of a web element.


element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[@id="example"]') text_content = element.text
  1. element.get_attribute(attribute): This command is used to retrieve the value of a specified attribute of a web element.


element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//input[@name="username"]') value = element.get_attribute("value")
  1. element.is_displayed(): This command is used to check if a web element is displayed on the current web page.


element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//button[@id="submit"]') if element.is_displayed():
  1. element.is_enabled(): This command is used to check if a web element is enabled on the current web page.


element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//input[@name="username"]') if element.is_enabled(): element.send_keys("username")
  1. element.is_selected(): This command is used to check if a web element is selected on the current web page.


element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//input[@type="checkbox"]')
if not element.is_selected():

  • Include code snippets and screenshots to illustrate the usage of each command.

Here are the code snippets to illustrate the usage of current_url and title commands:

# Get the current URL of the web page
current_url = driver.current_url
print("Current URL:", current_url)

# Get the title of the web page
title = driver.title
print("Title:", title)

X. Closing the Browser

  • Briefly describe the importance of closing the browser in web automation testing

Closing the browser is an important step in web automation testing as it ensures that the testing environment is clean and ready for the next test run. Failing to close the browser can lead to resource leaks, memory issues, and other unpredictable behavior that can impact the reliability of test results. Additionally, closing the browser can help conserve system resources, such as CPU and memory, that may be required for other tasks.

  • Provide examples of Selenium WebDriver commands that can be used for closing the browser, such as:

    • driver.close()
    • driver.quit()

The close() command is used to close the current browser window while the quit() command is used to close all the browser windows opened by the WebDriver instance.

The close() command is generally used when you want to close only the current browser window and still have other browser windows open.

On the other hand, the quit() command is used when you want to close all the browser windows that were opened by the WebDriver instance.

Both close() and quit() commands are important in web automation testing as they help to release the resources held by the WebDriver instance.

Here are some code snippets to illustrate the usage of the commands:

# close the current browser window driver.close()
# close all the browser windows opened by the WebDriver instance

  • Include code snippets and screenshots to illustrate the usage of each command.

Here are the code snippets to illustrate the usage of driver.close() and driver.quit() commands:

# Example using driver.close() from selenium import webdriver # Create a new instance of the Firefox driver driver = webdriver.Firefox() # Navigate to a website driver.get("") # Close the current browser window driver.close()
# Example using driver.quit() from selenium import webdriver # Create a new instance of the Firefox driver driver = webdriver.Firefox() # Navigate to a website driver.get("") # Close all browser windows and end the WebDriver session driver.quit()

Screenshots are not applicable for these commands as they only perform a background action and do not affect the visible interface.

XI. Conclusion

In conclusion, Selenium WebDriver is a powerful tool for automating web testing, and mastering its commands is essential for efficient and effective automation testing. In this blog post, we have provided a list of the top 20 Selenium WebDriver commands, along with their brief descriptions, syntax, and examples. These commands cover a range of important tasks such as web page navigation, locating and interacting with web elements, switching between windows and frames, executing JavaScript, taking screenshots, and retrieving information from web pages. By mastering these commands, testers can save time, increase productivity, and improve the accuracy of their tests. It is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list of all the commands available, but it serves as a good starting point for testers who are just starting with Selenium WebDriver.



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AI Automation: Top 20 Selenium WebDriver Commands
Top 20 Selenium WebDriver Commands
Top 20 Selenium WebDriver Commands a list of the top 20 Selenium WebDriver commands, along with their brief description and syntax.
AI Automation
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